Request a pilot next time when calling Charley’s taxi in Honolulu
Do you prefer a pilot to drive you in Honolulu? It’s not another tourist attraction, or is it? To request a pilot next time you need a taxi, call Charley’s Taxi at 808-233-3333.
In some countries, taxi drivers have to be able to control their cars on ice. There is no problem with ice on Hawai’s roads, but Hawaii has some of the roughest roads in the United States, and floodings are an ongoing occurrence. On the Island of Oahu Charley’s Taxi goes a step further in increasing safety for their passengers.
Since March, the company’s VIRAGE VS500 Driving Simulator has been used to train more than 240 Charley’s drivers. The drivers completed the simulator’s “distracted driving” scenario, which simulates the real-world dangers and consequences for drivers who take their eyes off the road or hands off the wheel.
In 2016, Charley’s initiated an enhanced driver safety program for its drivers, which included classroom and ride-along training with driving instructors certified by the National Safety Council. Charley’s also installed security cameras in taxis in order to more accurately determine the cause of accidents and assign fault.
The effort resulted in a 51 percent reduction in insurance losses to Charley’s due to accidents in 2017.
The simulator puts drivers behind the wheel in an immersive, interactive road or highway environment in an urban or rural setting that can simulate dozens of different driving scenarios.
The simulator is equipped with an analytics program that reports accidents and near-accidents, and assigns an estimated minimum cost for damages that occur during the training drive.

With the driving simulator, Charley’s President and CEO Dale Evans expects to see further reductions in losses attributed to accidents and incidents involving Charley’s drivers.
“Most of our veteran drivers thought it was a game,” said Evans. “But once they saw their statistics, it woke them up.
“Charley’s has always been dedicated to passenger safety as well as safety for our drivers, pedestrians, and other drivers,” Evans said. “This technology furthers our desire to offer the safest driving experience possible. Actually, we are the leader in ground transportation technology and logistics in Hawaii. “
Next up for drivers in Charley’s National Safety Council classes this year are scenarios that train against following too closely, and that teach how to change lanes more safely.
Charley’s envisions marketing its driving simulator to other Hawaii businesses that operate fleet vehicles as a tool they can use to lower their loss ratios due to accidents.
The simulator may also be used in physical and occupational therapy, where it would become part of a rehabilitation program for patients.
Charley’s is Hawaii’s oldest and second in size taxi and limousine service company in Hawaii.
Charley’s operates Oahu’s newest premium taxi fleet, has the most professionally trained drivers, and offers flat-rate fares between destinations such as the Airport and Waikiki, Disney’s Aulani, Pearl Harbor and Oahu’s military bases, providing clear and affordable pricing for visitors and residents.
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